Aloha !
Today we would like to propose a challenge to you. The $5 challenge.
How many of us, every day, spend $5 without even giving it a second thought ? A quick stop at Starbucks, a couple of trips to the soda and snack machines ? When we think about it, many of us might spend $5 like this every day of the week, and that adds up.
Our challenge to you today, is to give up one $5 day.
Instead of going about your day and spending $5 on coffee, sodas, snacks and other items, put that $5 towards an investment into the community by answering our $5 challenge.
You will notice our logo depicts the statement “Demonstrate the power of ONE.” Answer our $5 challenge of giving up ONE day and you too can be that example to “Demonstrate the power of ONE.” One person, One day.